Tuesday, November 2, 2010

another jerk another pain another bye another hello

hey you, yes you!
you're breaking my heart not that bad but still it's a pain
you're not a jerk, no
but wait
yes you are a jerk
you're a great liar and a great manager
yeah you could manage two relationships nicely
and yeah it's a goodbye
i'm done with you
and i'm so moving on
love you
see you
i'm not a hater for sure
so i'd rather say love you than hate you


Anonymous said...

:) niceee. i like it. :)

Grace Melia said...

feelin tired? lets get hangover ;p

PS: i prefer bein a hater, since bein a lover gives pain way too fucking much.

banyu said...

hahaha thanks for the advice, and thanks if you like it haha